The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream

Foreign Worker Stream is a crucial pathway for foreign workers seeking permanent residence in Ontario, Canada. To qualify under this stream, several detailed requirements must be met by both the employer and the applicant.

Employer Requirements

  • Active Business and Premises: The employer must have been in active business for at least three years, have business premises in Ontario, and have no outstanding orders under specific acts.

  • Recruitment Efforts: The employer must demonstrate that reasonable efforts were made to recruit a Canadian citizen or permanent resident before offering the position to the applicant unless certain exemptions apply.

  • Revenue and Employee Requirements: The employer's business must meet specific revenue and employee requirements based on the location of the work.

Job Offer Requirements

  • Full-time and Permanent: The job offer must be for a full-time and permanent position, not affecting the employment of a person involved in a labor dispute.

  • Eligible Occupation and Wage: The job offered must be in a skilled occupation at a specified National Occupational Classification (NOC) level, and the pay must meet or exceed the median wage level for that occupation in the specific region of Ontario where the work will be performed.

  • Urgently Necessary Position: The position offered must be urgently necessary to the employer’s business and must occur primarily in Ontario.

Applicant Requirements

  • Expression of Interest and Invitation to Apply: The applicant must have received an invitation to apply and applied within the identified deadline, demonstrating the qualifications claimed in the expression of interest.

    Work Experience or License: The applicant must meet specific work experience or license requirements based on the position of the job offer.

  • Intention to Live in Ontario: The applicant must intend to live in Ontario after being granted permanent residence. 

  • Legal Status in Canada: If applying from within Canada, the applicant must have legal status at the time of application and maintain that status until the time of nomination.

Scoring Factors and Nomination Process 

Points are assigned based on job offer category, wage level, work permit status, Canadian work experience, language proficiency, and regionalization. Successful applicants receive a nomination approval letter, a work permit support letter (if applicable), and a nomination certificate.

The detailed requirements encompass various factors, including the employer's business history, recruitment efforts, revenue and employee thresholds, job offer specifics such as full-time and permanent nature, eligible occupation, wage levels, and the urgency of the position to the employer's business. Additionally, the applicant's qualifications, work experience, intention to reside in Ontario, and legal status in Canada are thoroughly evaluated.

AKM Law, as an Ontario-based immigration law firm, is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support to both employers and foreign workers navigating the OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream. Our firm offers comprehensive legal representation to ensure that all requirements are met and that the application process is handled with precision and care.

For employers and foreign workers seeking to leverage the opportunities provided by the OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream, AKM Law stands ready to provide personalized assistance and ensure a smooth and successful application process.

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